Trace Crystal develops and produces materials and software to endow physical items with unique, unclonable and untransferable artificial fingerprints, called CaeSaR tags, that allow reliable and trustworthy authentication of the items via a simple optical read-out. CaeSaR tags also link each item securely and directly to its digital twin virtual representation, allowing customers to track and trace their products and share data over the distribution chain to the end customer. Because CaeSaR tags have virtually no physical footprint and can be made visible or invisible as desired, they provide an exceptionally versatile solution to the problem of counterfeit or otherwise substandard products disrupting supply chains, being used in return fraud, or simply being sold to honest customers believing they are buying a high-value and high-quality product.

Our services

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Versatile anti-counterfeiting tech

A cost-effective, innovative software solution for defending against counterfeiting, using the unique, unclonable properties of CaeSaR tags.
  • Scalable: tailor-designed versions to meet a variety of security needs.
  • Integrated: CaeSaR tags can be integrated on or within the products, as well as in the packaging.
  • Secure: Advanced cryptography for high security guarantees.
  • Sound: Robust object authentication protocols.
  • Innovative: unique materials and image processing technology.
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Secure supply chain tracking

By giving to any product a unique digital identity, CaeSaR tags offer powerful opportunities for secure track-and-trace, enabling transparent supply chains and reliable shared data (to the extent desired) from producer to end consumer.
  • Practically infinite number of identities.
  • We adapt tagging hardware and procedure for minimum disruption to each use case.
  • Innovative and purpose-designed image processing algorithms.
Trace Crystal is a start-up that develops and markets technology born at the University of Luxembourg, as a result of interdisciplinary research connecting the Department of Physics and Materials Science (DPhyMS) and the Interdisciplinary Centre for Security, Reliability and Trust (SnT) . Our team combines a stellar track record in research with a passion to transform innovative ideas into practical solutions to tackle serious societal and industrial problems.

The research at the heart of TraceCrystal has been supported by:

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